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It’s time to upgrade your knowledge so you can finally expand your products and services to Africa!

Some of the people that I talked to highlighted three main challenges about doing business in Africa:

“My understanding of the African markets is limited.”

Without a doubt, there are many things you MUST know before you even think of expanding to Africa.

You have to grasp the business landscape and the African trade ecosystem with respect to each economic region to be able to determine if Africa can offer the right business opportunities for you.

It’s almost impossible to learn everything you need to know AND implement everything on your own… ESPECIALLY since the relevant information isn’t always readily available in the public domain.

“I don’t know how to determine the compliance for the African markets.”

You’ve put in a LOT of work to develop your business at home – it would be a shame to not grow even further just because of a lack of adequate information that you require to explore new markets.

“I don’t have the time to do the groundwork!”

There is a lot of generic trading news and information readily available both on the internet and in libraries…

…but you need specific information on “How to Trade with Africa”

… and you can’t learn to swim by reading about it in a book, you must put the knowledge to use in the right and practical way.

My Practical Guide to Prepare to Trade with Africa! gets you there in just 12 Weeks, and it is delivered in three ways:

One-on-One Mentoring & Coaching

When you join the “How to Trade with Africa Program”, I’ll coach you through the process to get you from learning more about the African market to having a granular implementation plan.

Click here to book a Strategy Call

Bootcamp & Group Coaching

Whether you opt for the bootcamp or group coaching, you’ll be getting the full rundown on the nuances involved in African trade.

Tailored long-term projects

Your growth initiative will require time and dedication to help you establish a sizable presence in Africa. The goal of these long-term projects is to give you long-term support whenever you need it so that you can optimize your strategies and save on costs of doing business in Africa.

Click here to book a Strategy Call

This is the structure of the “How To Trade With Africa Program”

The Programme is delivered over 12 weeks & it is structured to lay the foundation on the nuts and bolts of African business environment as outlined below.

Throughout the journey, you’ll have access to online materials, strategy calls, and other resources to help you through out the journey!

Check below to see if the Programme is best fit for you!

Click here to book a Strategy Call